Tuesday 28 January 2014

We love ICT

We enjoyed visiting the ICT suite yesterday to type up our Winter recipes. Don't forget to look on the school website to see photographs of us working hard in there! 

Tuesday 14 January 2014

Purple mash!

This week I would like you to log into purple mags from the school website and write or create something to do with the seasons. This could include the months of the year. There will be a special treat for those who complete it! 

Get creating, Miss Francis 

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Happy New Year everyone

Welcome back Dosbarth Melyn, I am glad to hear that you have all had a lovely Christmas. Welcome to the new Spring Term. You have all shown a fantastic attitude so far so keep it up! Just a little reminder to keep checking our class blog for information about what we do in class, and any up and coming events. Remember that PE takes place every Friday, so pleas make sure that you have the correct kit into school. Some of you have produced some fabulous work for your latest learning log challenge so da iawn. Remember to keep bringing them in as we use them to help us with some of the tasks we do in class. 

Miss Francis