Thursday, 24 October 2013

Purple mash

Prynhawn da Dosbarth Melyn. Over half term I would like you to have a go at completing your first Purple Mash activity. 
Here is how to do it.

1). Click on purple mash on the school website homepage.
2). Login username is year 1, password year 1. 
3). Choose the Autumn box. 
4). Choose Autumn under Autumn paint projects. 
5). Carry out the activity, drawing a Autumn picture and writing a short sentence underneath. 
6). Then save it by clicking the save folder, and save into Dosbarth Melyn. Save it in the Autumn file by writing your name and what it is e.g. Miss Francis Autumn. 

We will then print them in school. If you do not have access to a computer or the internet please do not worry. You can still create a beautiful collage using different kinds of material and write a sentence to go with it. 

I look forward to seeing what wonderful Autumnal creations you can make. 

Miss Francis 

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